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Spanish smile

When so many of us look the other way as we pass a stranger on the street, surely it is good to celebrate the positive effect of a simple expression that can blossom our day with warmth, love, and a little magic.

One of my clearest childhood memories is a pilgrimage in France and Spain when I was eight years old. For a couple of weeks, I walked and hiked the mountain range known as the Pyrenees with my dad, two of my brothers and other pilgrims. I remember the blood-orange earthy trails, suncream, my blue hat, hiking boots, chocolate milk and salami baguettes.

On this particular occasion, we were resting in the castle of Saint Francis Xavier in Northern Spain for a few days. My brothers and I were teasing an adult pilgrim to play a game by spinning us round and round. He joined in on the fun but we wanted more and more! He picked me up, and as he turned me round went too close to the castle wall, and I banged my head heavily against it.

I recall crying aloud in great pain and then, after what seemed like only a few moments, my dad picked me up and ran downstairs to the first aid station. I was brought in immediately and was laid down so that the medical staff could attend to my agonising injury. Then suddenly a young Spanish woman, with brown wavy hair, appeared out of nowhere as if from heaven!

She came near me and did something totally unexpected – she gifted me with the most beautiful smile! I was shockingly surprised by the power of her radiance when all I could think of was my pain. Wasn’t I supposed to continue crying? Like all boys in this situation?

But no, her positive, life-affirming presence did something else unexpected. She almost washed my pain away – I felt soothed, loved, and cared for. I carried her smile in my heart over the next couple of days of recovery, and even to this day, I remember it as one of the most significant moments of my life.

For me, this moment speaks of the little things that we often take for granted, but which can send shockwaves of love throughout our world. I will never forget my Spanish lady! I will never forget the beauty of her smile 😊

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